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Youssouf Bamba
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United Kingdom
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Level 3 Qualified Personal Trainer
About Me
I work 50 hours per week and understand how to manage my time efficiently, which is why I created my physique while balancing a full time job in Investment Banking. I can relate to those who haven't got time to train and neglect their wellbeing and health as a result. As Muslims, we know how important it is to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle, not just physically but also mentally. Being a Muslim myself and having implemented the above, our Muslim brother and sisters are more likely to respond positively to the message
Focus Area
  • Muscle building
  • Weight loss
  • Bodyweight training
  • Stretching
  • Flexibility
  • Mindset
Fields Served
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Dietary, Fitness, Health & Nutrition
Youssouf Bamba- $75 for a session typically lasting 45-60 mins
Frequently Asked Questions
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Can I book a Service Provider before speaking to them?Toggle Answer
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Is there a proper dialogue / conversation or a call or is this a service that provides support purely through the ImamConnect chat platform?Toggle Answer
What is the time frame for receiving a response from a Service Provider?Toggle Answer
How Does ImamConnect Screen Service Providers?Toggle Answer
How much does it cost?Toggle Answer
What happens if something goes wrong?Toggle Answer
Why should I use ImamConnect over other platforms like Facebook groups or my local community?Toggle Answer
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Lifetime Muslim Service on One PlatformBe one of our service providers, and worth your value.