About Us
Tricia Pethic
If you’re tired of being talked over, shamed, or interrupted with a list of “solutions” before you've even been listened to with empathy, you’ve come to the right place.
It can be lonely trying to carry the world on our shoulders. We weren’t meant to handle our problems alone; seeking Allah and those in the community whom he has placed here to help us is of the utmost importance. My goal is to work with you to help you align yourself and your relationships with what Allāh, in His Infinite Wisdom and Care, wants for you in this life and the life to come.
I am one of a small, but growing, number of Muslims trained through an accredited Islamic chaplaincy program, in my case I counted Dr Ingrid Mattson amongst my teachers and mentors. I've served our community as a university chaplain, a state prison chaplain, and as a bereavement support person in hospitals. I’ve provided emotional support to wives struggling with their husband’s pornography addiction and husbands whose wives don’t give them the respect they crave. I’ve helped people navigate sexism, racism, crises of faith, and deaths in the family.
If I’m not the best person to help you, I will try to make a referral that best suits your needs.
May the peace of Allah be with you always!