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Sidra Hassan
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"PTCC" from ERDC
Anokhay Parents" by Maryam Munir
"The Essentials" from Irene Lyon
About Me
I am a strong advocator; student and practitioner of Holistic Living. For me, Holistic Living gels in so well with our Deen; spirituality and our authentic selves. It encompasses positive parenting; self healing and growth in every dimension of life. My healing journey started when I became aware of my own triggers (no matter how trivial they were) and by allowing compassion to my self especially when mistakes are made. Being imperfect is the new perfection for me (as that is being authentic and being on Fitrah upon which Allah made us all - suban Allah). I want to spread message of peace; connection with one self & others (creator; nature; people; world in general) and raising generation whose self-esteem is instant by utilizing humanity skills (e.g. empathy; validation; regulation and unconditional respect/trust). I know how it feels to be hurt and not heard so I want to give my people safe place to vent; open their heart and feel secure to go into their past - face their unresolved traumas and make sense of their survival modes throughout the life. The life is beautiful as set up by Allah and being content is only possible when we can actual see it. For my people, I want to provide services that focuses on Holistic Living principles that leads towards peace of heart and by practicing them - worldly goals can be achieved as well but with a different paradigm and positive mind set. The services are provide revolves around Holistic Living Principles with respect to different roles in life e.g.: -- Positive Parenting (including connetion pillars and practical steps to achieve it) -- Fitrah discovery (knowing one's authentic self by timeline therapy and resolving childhood truamas) -- Self Care - Mindfulness about the triggers and reactions to have healthy relationshi...
Focus Area
Holistic Living Principles (Positive Parenting & Self Healing)
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Parenting / Parent Child Coaching
Pre-Marital Advice
Counselling & Support
Support: Addiction & Mental Health
Sidra Hassan- $50 for a session typically lasting 45-60 mins
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