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Raeesa Mahomed
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Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
In services from
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Life Coach
Transformational Coach
Neuro Linguist Programmer
Negative Emotional Therapy Practitioner
Master Life Coach
About Me
I am a Master Life Coach and transformational coach. This means that I help people transform their lives and become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally and spiritually. To do this, they have to overcome the obstacles that are holding them back. I use techniques to let go of inner conflicts, negative emotions like doubt, fear and anger and negative beliefs like "I am not good enough". My niche areas are depression and anxiety, self esteem, health and weight loss and achieving goals. These evolved as they were the most common things people approached me for but my programme helps with a wide variety of challenges. The main tool I use is reprogramming the subconscious mind. Most of us are trying to change using our conscious mind. This is not effective because the latter is just 10% of our minds, whereas our subconscious is 90%. My programme has a strong Islamic basis as I believe we are essentially spiritual beings and faith and connection to a higher power are extremely powerful tools to achieve mental and emotional well-being. I come from a broadcasting background (radio, TV, film), am a writer and public speaker and mother of two girls (Alhamdullillah) Services: Life coaching Transformational coaching Health coaching Neuro-linguistic programming Negative emotional therapy Negative belief therapy Inner conflict therapy.
Focus Area
  • Life coaching
  • Transformational coaching
  • Health coaching
  •  Neuro-linguistic programming
  • Negative emotional therapy
  • Negative belief therapy
  • Inner conflict therapy.
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Parenting / Parent Child Coaching
Divorce Counselling
Family Mediation
Marriage Counselling
Pre-Marital Advice
Support Victims of Domestic Abuse
Birth & Death
Support: Grief Counselling
Counselling & Support
Certified Counselling
Counselling: General & Pastoral
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Dietary, Fitness, Health & Nutrition
Media Engagement & Public Speaking
Raeesa Mahomed- $100 for a session typically lasting 45-60 mins.
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