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Merieme Lakhdar
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Mohammadia, Casablanca-Settat, Morocco
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Mindfulnes Trainer
About Me
I am Merieme Lakhdar, Mindfulness Trainer for all ages. My accomplishments in life are that I always wanted to teach, and I am living my dream, I am determined to teach Emotional Intelligence to kids in Morocco, why did I choose that path? This is because I have been epileptic since I was 4 years old, and I am grateful to say that I managed my emotions for the last 6 years of my life and that the last seizure I had was in 2018 :) I am a qualified Mindfulness teacher, and I have a master's degree in communication from Newcastle University. We all need to learn about emotional intelligence, but unfortunately, no one gave us that opportunity. So, we are stressed, and overworked and we don't know how to OBSERVE our thoughts or OBSERVE our emotions, I believe people should know about the inner world in order to succeed in the outer world. Who can book my services, I think it is whoever wants a change in their lives for the better. Services I Offer: Mindful Parenting: 5 sessions Mindful language for teenagers: 4 weeks What's Up Mind: Training for Teenagers: 8 weeks Mindfulness & Non-Violent Communication for Adults: 9 weeks Mindful language Training for teachers (Course depends on the needs of the school and the teachers)
Focus Area
  • Mindfulness and Non-Violent Communication.
  • I believe these two combinations work best together, as if we are Mindful about our language we can see huge differences in or inner world, from kids, teenagers, parents, teachers and everyone else.
Fields Served
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Dietary, Fitness, Health & Nutrition
Merieme Lakhdar-$50 for a session typically lasting 45 to 60 minutes.
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