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Aizah Ashraf
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Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
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Certification from Jai Institute for Parenting USA
About Me
Aizah Ashraf is a Certified Respectful & Empowered Parenting & Mindset coach from USA, and currently in training to become a master coach from the same institute. Aizah brings a unique mix of corporate and professional education as well as emotional inner work to the table where she supports individuals from all walks of life (parents, corporate professionals, educators, medical professionals & students) to build consciousness, increase self-awareness and connection with self by tapping into the subconscious brain. Adding integrity to her work with extensive inner work on herself, she guides her clients to unlock their peace of mind by addressing parenting & personal challenges and relationships from a place of trust and connection instead of fear and control. Her work is based in neuroscience based research and evidence offering practical life-long skills and tools that support in healing parts of clients that might have gone unnoticed or unattended. She is deeply passionate about her work and purpose to bring a profound mind set shift in individuals to view themselves and/or their children as whole human beings worthy of respect and dignity at all times.
Focus Area
  • Parenting
  • Self healing
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Parenting / Parent Child Coaching
Counselling & Support
Certified Counselling
Classes, Training & Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Aizah Ashraf- $100 for a session typically lasting 45-60 mins
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