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Ahmed Abu Muath
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London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
In services from
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Studied Islamic studies over several scholars in UK and outside
Family therapy certificate
Teaching certificate
About Me
I am someone with wealth of skills and experience in dealing with Muslims in the UK. I have over 23 years working with youth in various capacities including youth worker and teacher. I was also an Imam of Islamic center and was providing many services such as counselling for individuals and couples, conducting Islamic Nikah and mediating between couples. I have BA in management, teaching certificate as well as family therapy certificate. I’m currently work with Solace UK which is an organization that helps revert Muslim women and I also offer the role of a “Wali” to give advice on matrimonial and other issues. Services I Offer Counselling Conduct Nikah Mediating Youth advice and support Nikah Services Online and In-person
Focus Area
  • Help Muslim individuals understand where the problem lies and work with them plans to move forward.
  • Help couples understand where the underlying issues are and help devise plans to overcome them.
Fields Served
Marriage & Family Services
Family Mediation
Divorce Counselling
Marriage Counselling
Marriage: Independent Wakeel
Pre-Marital Advice
Birth & Death
Support: Grief Counselling
Visiting The Sick
Counselling & Support
Certified Counselling
Counselling: General & Pastoral
New Muslims & Shahadah
Support: Addiction & Mental Health
Visiting Mosques
Visiting Prisons
Classes, Training & Services
Al-Qur'an Studies - Memorization, Tajweed & others
Arabic Language
Celebratory Services
Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring
Friday Khutba
Islamic Studies & Halaqas
Research & Translation
Sustainable Living
Seerah & Storytelling
Ahmed Abu Muath-$200 for online Nikah services
Ahmed Abu Muath-$50 for a session typically ending 45 to 60 minutes
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